Winter travel is not for the timid. We did, however, make it "back east" to see our families for the holidays. With school in session through the 23rd and Maria's treatment scheduled for the 30
th, we didn't have as much time for this visit as we might have liked. We did gain a bonus day, though, when school was cancelled on the 23rd so families would have a chance to travel before the big storm hit.
Jon Felipe had some blood work scheduled for the morning of the 23rd and as soon as that was done (for the record, he did not cry - he is very proud of himself for that), we headed out. It was slippery and rainy for the entire drive and we were exhausted by the time we got there, but we made it without mishap. We had family parties planned for the 25
th and 26
th, but nothing planned for the 24
th as we had thought we would travel that day.
It was nice to have a free day. We helped my parents finish their Christmas preparations, played games, baked cookies, and had a relaxing day. After dinner, I made all the kids get back in the van and drive around looking at all the Christmas decorations. I love Christmas lights. One of the little things I have enjoyed about Sioux Center is the decorations the city put up. For two and a half miles down the main street, every light pole is decorated with a trio of large lighted snow flakes, a red banner, and garland. I love it.
On Sunday, we headed out to Michigan to see Dwight's family. It was a good thing we know that route by heart because it was snowing so hard along the lake that you couldn't see the highway. Not fun! We did enjoy the chance to visit with family. Monday was spent packing Colin up and moving him out. Then we drove back to Chicago to spend the night before heading back to Sioux Center on Tuesday morning. The drive across Iowa was clear and dry, so much nicer than the drive out.
We arrived back to about two feet of snow and large drifts. The snow in the trees is beautiful. Another beautiful thing, our landlord had plowed out our driveway for us so we could just pull right in and unload. As we were carrying all Colin's things in, I declared that no one else may move for at least five months. We have been moving stuff from place to place about every two months lately (flood in June, move to SC in August, move again in October, move Colin in December) and I am ready for a break.
We wish we had had time to see some of our friends, another day or two would have been about right, but we are thankful for the family we did see and for safe travel. Shortly after arriving back last night, Jon Felipe declared that he wanted to go back to Grandma and Grandpa's house. I think he's going to have to wait a bit for the next trip.