Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stomach Bugs and Travel Snafus

I woke up Friday morning to this little voice in the darkness saying, "Mi estomago duele." My synapses don't fire too quickly before I've had my morning tea, but I managed to get Jon Felipe to the bathroom in time. He and I then hung out together the rest of the day. I didn't actually have any classes scheduled for Friday since the students I see on Friday were off at a convention with another professor. I had planned to go work in my office and had hoped to get lots done, but I really think I got just as much, if not more, done at home.

Jon Felipe did have several seizures (not uncommon when he is ill) and spent most of the time in between sleeping. When we saw the neurologist a couple weeks ago, she gave me a prescription for when he has clusters of seizures like this but we hadn't gotten it filled yet. So, I picked that up Friday afternoon thinking I'd start it with the next seizure, but then he didn't have any more. If I'd known just having the stuff in the house would cause them to stop, I would have picked it up earlier in the day.

He and I also had to miss the soup supper at Unity, Luke's school. Jon Felipe was heartbroken that he couldn't attend. He loves these sorts of events. He kept promising not to throw up at Luke's school if we would let him go. Me, I wasn't quite so sad about not getting to go. Maria went and then stayed with her friends for the basketball game. When she got home, I asked her which team won and she had absolutely no idea. She did have a very good time with her friends, though. Incidentally, Unity won.

This week, I am seeing student teachers in the Chicago area. I have four to see, so I planned to fly in on Sunday and fly home on Friday. Well, It is Sunday night and I am only as far as Minneapolis. I sat in the Sioux Falls airport for four hours waiting for my flight. It was delayed because of the weather at the airport it was flying out of prior to coming to Sioux Falls (somewhere south - Arkansas? Alabama?) Anyway, the airport people knew already when I got to Sioux Falls that I was going to miss my connection in Minneapolis so they put me on the last flight out of Minneapolis to Chicago.

When my plane landed in the Minneapolis airport, I had less than 10 minutes to run all the way across the airport to try to make my connection. I ran as fast as I could. It is a long ways from one side of that airport to the other and by the time I got there, I thought I was going to die. I have been doing some jogging to try to get back in shape, but this was an all-out long-distance sprint. I am still trying to recover. Of course, I now realize that I only had 10 minutes to departure time. They had actually closed the doors and stopped boarding before my plane had even landed at the airport.

So, I am at a hotel. I need to be on the shuttle bus on my way back to the airport at 5:25 so I can catch the first flight out for Chicago. My flight doesn't actually leave that early, but the airport people told me I would need to allow way more than the standard one hour for security first thing on a Monday morning. The airport people also tried to give me a voucher for dinner, but they have a new computer system that only went into effect today, so they couldn't figure out how to do that. Oh well, I guess that's the way it goes sometimes. It does seem like every time I travel for Dordt, though, I run into travel snafus. I wonder why that is.

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