Sunday, June 13, 2010

Research Project

I am working on a research project. It is a continuation of the work I did for my dissertation and has to do with vocabulary acquisition for preschoolers, particularly English language learners. I am working with the local Head Start programs. I've been meeting with some of the teachers all spring to develop the assessment measure. I had originally intended to include the children in the centers in Sioux Center and Orange City, but the program director has asked that we include the children in all the centers in Sioux County. Of course, I was very excited about this opportunity as well as somewhat overwhelmed.

I applied for and got a grant to support the project. With the grant, I was able to hire a computer science major to write a computer program for our test platform. This is very exciting as it will make the assessment and data collection process so much easier. I also hired a student in the graphic arts program to take the photos for the assessment. Above is my favorite of the pictures she has taken so far. Don't those strawberries look yummy! I may have to frame this photo for my office wall!

I am so excited about this, even while I am a little nervous about pulling it off. We will have to give the assessment three times a year to about 300 children in centers all around the county. Head Start has asked us to consider expanding the program the following year to the early Head Start program and to also consider expanding to centers in an adjoining county. In addition, the local school district wants us to consider following these children in future years as they enter school. So lots of fun and exciting things happening.


  1. my preschoolers learned englsih in about 3 and half months and never looked back. I dont think they even know any russian words any more. good luck with your project. sounds like its just taking off! we are headed to pryluky to see the girls!

  2. Sounds like a bit of work; but you were never scared of work.

  3. Wonderful way to expand on your dissertation data. No way your research is going to be dusty! Congrats on the grant and good luck with the work! Putting some college students to work helps the economy too :)
