Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday Night Thoughts

Here is a sample of the random, unrelated thoughts crashing around in my head tonight:

1. The bite on my leg is finally healing. Two more days of antibiotic to go. It was quite painful for a bit, so I am very glad to have moved on to the next stage. Now it's just itchy.

2. We begin testing students tomorrow for my research project. I'm excited.

3. I've been attending a Sunday school class at our church on the topic of poverty. It has been an enlightening experience. I am already looking forward to next week's class.

4. When I took Jon Felipe to his first Sunday school class this fall, all the children enthusiastically greeted him when he walked in the door. Today when I dropped him off, another boy in his class jumped up right away and led him to the chair next to him. I love seeing my son so welcomed.

5. All our kids were home last night. We made pizza and watched a movie together. Family night is the best!

6. We watched Mary Poppins and now Jon Felipe walks around snapping his fingers and wondering why all the toys don't jump up and put themselves away like they did for the kids in the movie.

7. If you are raising a daughter with an autism spectrum disorder and wouldn't mind sharing about that, I would love to hear from you.

8. I wish I didn't feel so tired so often.

9. There are so many books I want to read, if only I had more time.

10. It really feels like fall here. I'm hoping for a good dose of Indian Summer yet.

What thoughts are crashing around your head?

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