We attempted to drive to Chicago on Christmas Eve, but ran into a bad snow storm between Des Moines and Iowa City that forced us to stop for the day (it was scary - we saw dozens of accidents). We found a hotel right next to an outlet mall. I ran in ten minutes before closing time and found a place that had swim suits for my two youngest (on sale 30% off even!). Then we found a pizza place that was closed, but the employees were still there having a little Christmas party and they agreed to make us a couple pizzas (which were very good). We were sad to have to put off seeing family, but happy to be safe and warm. It was more like an adventure than a delay. The next day we drove to my sister's house and had a lovely time visiting everyone.

My beautiful niece Caitlyn (I always think Caitlyn Maureen is named, at least in part, for me as I am Kathleen Maureen :-)

More beautiful nieces - Amanda, Alexandra, and Melissa.

My mom with another beautiful niece, Kristina.

My sister Chris and her daughter Kristina.

My parents watching the present opening. I think this is a nice picture of my son Colin.

My sister Deb.

My dad made these bunk beds and the bedding for the girls' dolls.

Alexandra and her dolly.

Jon Felipe

My parents with all their grandchildren.
After the Chicago visit, we drove to Michigan to see Dwight's family. For some reason, I didn't take any pictures, though. I guess we were just having too much fun to stop and take pictures. Now we're back in Iowa and it's snowing again with a blizzard expected later today.
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