Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hotel Response

So, the hotel manager let me know today that he personally checked the room I was staying in and found . . . bed bugs. Yep, just like I said. So they have quarantined that room and the adjacent rooms and will have them all treated professionally. I did not ask for a refund, but he let me know that they couldn't do that anyway since the airline actually paid for my room (which is the reason I didn't ask otherwise you can be sure I would have). He did offer me a discount on a room should I choose to stay in that hotel again, but I don't think that is likely to happen. At least I know they have responded to the problem and I've saved the next person a bit of grief.


  1. actually it is very hard to get rid of them. they crawl into baseboards and wall crevices and any treatment wouldnt reach them deep in the recesses of the walls. and I hope and pray for your sake no little buggers hitched a ride in your laptop! I believe they use superheated air to kill them. I could be wrong. still disgusted for you.

  2. O ick! I hope none came home with you...praying, praying, praying! Of course, if they did, you will have to have the hotel pay for your cleaning too!
