Maria is very proud of her new, cool school bag. You can't see a lot of it in this picture, but it is very cute. She got a messenger bag instead of a backpack this year. Very stylish.

As the bus came around the corner, we walked out into the street and almost got run over. The bus driver didn't have the kids on her list and was surprised when we walked out in front of her bus. Fortunately, she was going very slowly.
Maria made friends with one of the sixth graders from school who rides this bus and lives quite near us. The kids had barely walked in the door after school when Casey called for Maria to come over for the rest of the afternoon. She lives close enough that Maria could just walk over to her house. It sounds like the girls had a great time together.
Maria has also connected with the girls from her grade that wrote to her during the last school year. It sounds like at least a couple of them are in the other sixth grade classroom, but somehow they still seem to find plenty of time during the school day to talk. :-)
Tell Maria that I love the pink plaid bag...VERY stylish!