Thursday, August 20, 2009

Random Thoughts

1. Christian Music - My new office is in an area of campus that has been undergoing a major building project. Interestingly, the construction workers all play Christian music loudly on their radios. Actually, everywhere I go, they seem to be playing Christian music. I hear it in the grocery store, in the bank, and even at the county treasurer's office.

2. My Office - I have an office in one of the new areas of campus. It is very nice and even has a window (which I didn't have in my old office), but I can't get any work done there. Even if I close the door, people still drop in to check out the new offices, to meet the new prof (me), or just to say hi. Of course, I can't get any work done at home either. I despair of ever being ready to teach.

3. Opening Reception - Tonight, Dwight and I attended a reception to kick off the new school year. It was held on the lawn behind the college president's house and the weather was perfect. I know it shouldn't feel like fall in August, but it was a beautiful evening. The food was delicious and Dwight and I enjoyed making connections with even more people.

4. Lightning Bugs - I remember catching lightning bugs as a kid back in Chicago Ridge, but it seems like we didn't have very many in Holland. There doesn't seem to be any shortage of them here in Sioux Center. At night, it is fun to watch them winking on and off. Sometimes, later in the evening, you can see hundreds of them flying up in the trees and they twinkle on and off like Christmas lights. Jon Felipe has had a good time on several evenings running around and trying to catch them. I'm glad that they do have a healthy population of lightning bugs here because most of the ones he catches seem to end up squished.

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