Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Dwight and I walk everywhere in Sioux Center. I walk to and from the college each day, we walk to the bank, we walk to the post office, we walk to the park to buy produce from the farmers who can be found there every day selling fruits and vegetables (lots of corn for sale!). We also enjoy taking walks together exploring the neighborhoods, dreaming about maybe one day owning a home in one of these areas.

A few years ago, Holland won an award for being a "walkable" city. As much as I enjoy walking around Sioux Center, this city will never win that award, mainly because of the condition of the sidewalks. Many blocks in the city do not have sidewalks. If there is a sidewalk, it is likely to end abruptly in the middle of the block. The sidewalks that do exist are very narrow and in poor repair. This means that we often have to walk in the street as we ramble around town. Of course, there is so little traffic, that it doesn't seem to matter. Still, I miss the lovely sidewalks to be found throughout Holland.

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